

Graphics and Game Gems Database

  • Game Engine Gems
  • GPU Pro
  • Insights
  • Game Programming Gems
  • GPU Gems
  • Graphics Gems
  • ......



1 beyond3d 论坛

2 beyond3d官网


3 remedy 游戏公司


4 blender 艺术社区


5 英伟达开发者Blog

如何评价微软的 DXR(DirectX Raytracing)

6 Animation and CGI Motion 课程

  • Animation and CGI Motion
  • https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:ColumbiaX+CSMM.104x+1T2018/home
  • https://www.edx.org/course/animation-and-cgi-motion-2

7 CS448A: Real-Time Graphics Architectures

  • http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs448a-01-fall/

8 Site 从头开始学习计算机图形学

  • https://www.scratchapixel.com

9 Site 实时渲染论文 Ke-Sen Huang's Home Page

  • http://kesen.realtimerendering.com/

10 Site 实时全局照明技术收藏

  • https://extremeistan.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/realtime-global-illumination-techniques-collection/

11 实时渲染官网

  • http://www.realtimerendering.com/

12 CS6630 真实感图形渲染

  • Realistic Image Synthesis
  • site

13 Course 计算机图形学

  • site

14 Course 虚拟现实

  • http://lavalle.pl/vr/
  • 虚拟现实免费学习资料

15 MIT Course Computer Graphics

16 Course 计算机图形学

  • Introduction to Computer Graphics
  • site

17 Site glassner

Andrew S. Glassner(生于1960年)是美国计算机图形专家,在计算机图形界广为人知,是《图形宝石》系列《雷追踪导论》和《数字图像合成原理》的发起人和编辑。他后来的兴趣包括互动小说,写作和导演和咨询在电脑游戏和在线娱乐行业。 他在纽约理工学院计算机图形实验室工作。



18 Book Pbrt

  • Physically Based Rendering

    site amazon

  • 基于物理的渲染

19 Site GPU pro Blog

20 Github Book

21 Book Site game enginegems

22 Book OpenGL 蓝宝石

  • OpenGL Superbible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference
  • amazon

23 Book 曲线 曲面

  • Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
  • amazon

24 Book 曲线

  • The NURBS Book (Monographs in Visual Communication)
  • amazon

25 Book 曲线与曲面的数学

  • 曲线与曲面的数学
  • 豆瓣

26 Book 隐式曲面

  • Introduction to Implicit Surfaces (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
  • amazon

27 Book 隐式曲面

  • Implicit Objects Computer Graphics
  • amazon

28 Book 细分曲面

  • Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach
  • amazon

29 Book LOD

  • Level of Detail for 3D Graphics
  • amazon

29 Book 光线追踪

  • An Introduction to Ray tracing
  • amazon

30 Book 光线追踪

31 Book 辐射度

  • Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis
  • amazon

Cohen获得SIGGRAPH 1998计算机图形学成就奖,他把Radiosity变成实际可用。

32 Book 辐射度

  • Radiosity and Global Illumination (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
  • amazon

33 Book Advanced Global Illumination

  • Advanced Global Illumination
  • Amazon

34 Book 辐射度Radiosity

  • Radiosity: A Programmer's Perspective
  • amazon


35 Book 光子映射 PhotonMapping

  • Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping
  • Amazon

Henrik Wann Jensen的《Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping》。Henrik Wann Jensen是Photon mapping技术的发明者。

36 Book Non-Photorealistic Graphics

  • Non-Photorealistic Rendering
  • amazon

37 Book 体图形学(Volume Graphics)

  • Volume Graphics

38 Book

  • Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Third Edition
  • amazon

David Ebert等人的《Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Third Edition》。讲述如何通过程序实现纹理、山、地形等图形学要素。

39 Book 常用的图形格式

  • Evan Pipho Focus On 3D Models

40 Book 地形

  • Focus On 3D Terrain Programming

41 Book 布料

  • Cloth Modeling and Animation

42 Book 角色动画

  • Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++

43 Book 动画

  • Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques

44 Book 图形引擎

  • 3D Game Engine Design : A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics

45 Book

  • Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C (2nd Edition)

46 Course

  • site

  • http://cs248.stanford.edu/winter19/



47 99行实现光线追踪

48 site geometrictools

  • https://www.geometrictools.com/

49 Book 腾讯游戏开发精粹

50 Blog 虚幻引擎如何渲染一帧

51 Site Opengl 文档

52 Course GAMES101: 现代计算机图形学入门

53 Lab 图形学几何实验室

  • https://igl.ethz.ch/
  • 专注于交互式形状建模、几何处理、数字制造以及图像和视频处理。

54 中科大刘利刚教授

55 HoloLens

  • https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/hololens/

56 Site Learn OpenGL

57 Doc 清华 AMiner 团队《计算机图形学研究报告》

58 Handmade Hero教学视频

把整个Handmade Hero教学视频进行中文翻译,添加上字幕。这件事情意义大么,国内的字幕团队会做这种事情么?



59 IEEE 754

60 Book 高动态范围图像

  • High Dynamic Range Imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting

61 Book 表观建模

  • Digital Modeling of Material Appearance

62 Book Polygon Mesh Processing

  • Polygon Mesh Processing

63 Site


64 Site 娱乐艺术家社区

  • http://www.cgchannel.com/

65 Site

  • https://www.javatpoint.com/computer-graphics-bresenhams-line-algorithm